John Bowers
(805) 893-8447
Engineering Science Building: Room 2221
Henley Hall Building: Room 3005
Amy Donnelly
(805) 893-7104
Physical Address:
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Mailing Address:
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9560
Campus Map:
Travel information, Directions & Parking
By Air
We strongly urge you to fly into the Santa Barbara airport - although it may cost slightly more than flying into Los Angeles (LAX). The time and hassle saved will be more than worth it. UC Santa Barbara is an easy 5 minute taxi ride (or Uber or Lyft) from the Santa Barbara Airport; a list of taxi services is available below. For Santa Barbara Airport travel information regarding flight, or ground transportation visit
United Airlines offers several daily nonstop flights from San Francisco (SFO) and LAX to the Santa Barbara Airport. American Airlines offers nonstop flights from LAX, but flights from SFO transfer in LAX.
For those of you who can't resist the lowest ticket price and fly into LAX, there is a shuttle service ( that makes one stop on the way and then drops you in Santa Barbara. The price is $94 roundtrip for 1 person (discounted prepaid - if payments are made 24 hours in advance) and takes approximately 2-3 hours in the best of traffic.
Taxi Information
Rates from Santa Barbara Airport to Santa Barbara Inn:
901 East Cabrillo Blvd. SB, CA 93103
Blue Dolphin Cab
805.966.6161 or 805.962.6886
Airport to Hotel: $25.00 flat fee
Accept Cash, Master Card, and VISA
Goleta Yellow Cab
Airport to Hotel: $30.00
Accept Master Card, and VISA
Checker Cab
805.560.8284 or Moe 805.560.8284 or 1.888.511.1110
Airport to Hotel: $33.00-$35.00
Rate: $2.70/mi
Accept Master Card, American Express, and VISA
Yellow Cab
Airport to Hotel: $25.00-$30.00
Rate: $1.90 when cab starts and 2.70/mi.
Accept Cash, Master Card, and VISA
A Goleta Cab
Airport to Hotel: $27.00-$28.00
Rate: $2.78/mi.
Accept Cash, Master Card, and VISA
Driving - U.S. 101 From the South
Exit the 101 freeway at the Airport / UCSB (Route 217) off-ramp and proceed through the Henley Gate at the east campus entrance. Make a right turn as you enter the round-a-bout onto Mesa Road. Make a quick left turn at the first stoplight into Lot #10, a multi-story parking structure.
Driving - U.S. 101 From the North
Take the Los Carneros exit (Number 107) off U.S. 101 and continue on Los Carneros Road for about 1.5 miles. Make a left turn onto Mesa Road (marked with UCSB sign). Continue on Mesa Rd past 1 stop sign, and 2 traffic signals. At the 3rd light, make a right turn into Lot #10, a multi-story parking structure.
Please park at the Lot #10 parking structure (indicated with green arrow in map below) unless otherwise instructed. Park on the first level in a numbered (but not "restricted") space, and purchase an appropriate permit from one of the dispensers (near the elevators).
Parking at the university is very limited. If you have special transport needs, please indicate the need for parking to Tina. For more information on parking, please see the TPS Website. (Please note that if parking is for an organized event, special parking arrangements may be in effect.)

We recommend the following: