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Journal/Conference Name
Applied Sciences
2018, 8(7), 1139
Integrated ultra-low-loss waveguides are highly desired for integrated photonics to enable applications that require long delay lines, high-Q resonators, narrow filters, etc. Here, we present an ultra-low-loss silicon waveguide on 500 nm thick Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) platform. Meter-scale delay lines, million-Q resonators and tens of picometer bandwidth grating filters are experimentally demonstrated. We design a low-loss low-reflection taper to seamlessly integrate the ultra-low-loss waveguide with standard heterogeneous Si/III-V integrated photonics platform to allow realization of high-performance photonic devices such as ultra-low-noise lasers and optical gyroscopes.
Publication File
tran18ap.pdf5.17 MB
Research Areas
Silicon Photonics