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Publication Date
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Journal/Conference Name
IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
Vol. 24, No. 6, 8300108
Ge-on-Si low-loss waveguides and 7 × 8 arrayed waveguide gratings (AWGs) are presented for operation near 4.7 µm wavelength. Propagation loss in the range of 3 dB/cm for fully etched waveguides and 1 dB/cm for shallow-etched waveguides is reported. 200 GHz AWGs in a 7 × 8 configuration with various waveguide aperture widths and etch depths are designed and characterized. For fully etched AWGs, the insertion loss values as low as −2.34 and 3 dB mean cross talk of −29.63 dB are achieved. The shallow-etched AWG has an insertion loss of −1.52 dB and crosstalk of −28 dB.
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Research Areas
Photonics Integrated Circuits