Aditya Malik obtained his bachelors degree from Delhi University in Physics following which he joined IIT Delhi for a M.Sc. program in Physics. He was a DAAD fellow in FU Berlin during his master studies. From Oct 2010 to March 2015, he was a PhD student in Photonics Research Group, Ghent University, Belgium working on developing a novel CMOS compatible waveguide platform beyond the telecommunication wavelength range. After completion of his PhD, he remained as a postdoc working on various topics such as realizing integrated gas sensors, external cavity tunable lasers and wavelength demultiplexers operating in mid-infrared.
His current research spans a wide wavelength range (near-infrared to mid-infrared) with focus on variety of devices (high speed energy efficient datacom modulators, electronic-photonic integration, heterogeneously integrated lasers, arrayed waveguide gratings). He is working on projects funded by DARPA, ARPA-E, AFRL and NASA. His google scholar profile can be found at https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bkDogPcAAAAJ&hl=en